Audience: psychographics

Who you are working with:

The psychographic group you are researching:

Introduce your example couple that represents your group:

1) Make up their names: Julia and Joe they are newly engaged couple who are apart of the main stream society, mainstream is the most largest of the psycho graphics as majority of modern society as they are all injected with the same information to live a normal life get a job and go through the normal education meaning that they Julia and Joe would have both gone to study at uni and gotten a degree in some sort of department to get a good job. They will then be able to provide for the family, as a main-streamer just like Joe and Julia have the to provide for their for family meaning they will have a value for the money they spend on their children when they have kids, meaning that Joe and Julia are a mixture of both mainstream and Succeeders as they will want to make sure they aspire the kids when they are going to school to be educated to the same level. 

2) Where do they work/study?

Joe is working in a very high established place as he has reached his expectations when he studied for the future, however as he is a mainstream his values for work is to make sure he get full value of the money that he amkes for his family as he knows one day he will become a Dad therefore when he is going to move into a bigger house with his wife Julia, he will then have to work even harder at this point of career. Therefore, when Julia has a son/daughter she will want make sure the child is getting everthing he deserves meaning they will invest more time and money into him as that is what Mum and Dads do for their child when they one. 
3) What do they do in their spare time?

As they are a mixture of both Mainstream and Succeders, meaning they will have a differ as they have goals and this means they will both have strong values of doing both of the two psychographics they will have the use the spare time plan for the future.

Also in the spare time these individuals will text friends and socialize on the phone on multi-media, this is how they become more of the Succeeders as they can see their goals that others have accomplished, furthermore through the phones they can be injected with the hypodermic needle and this is how they are apart of the mainstream as they cant move to their goals as they are being held back by the mainstream audience being so dominate in the society. Finally they through Facebook for example they can find new furniture for The couples new house, and other domestic ideas that can be found through using a phone as it has lots of ideas for the perfect room which Julia can indulge in this when talking to her friends after researching on E-media. Therefore she will be able to fell like her idea is worth striving for which will mean when she wants to reach a goal she will be able to.  


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