Ill Manors: Print platform

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted? Firstly for Menshealth, they will not want to glamorise the idea of crime and reality of Ben Drew because the people who buy and read the magazine are highly qualified individuals who have money at disposing of who are willing to pay to see one's diet and lifestyle. This means they will not look at Ben from artist and see him from a more successful standpoint. In contrast to this form the point of view of NME which is more music based this is different to Menshealth the audience of NME want to be able to see Ben by "Plan B" which is why they are more based on how Ben is against the terms of the government this is evident from the front cover of the NME cover featuring Plan B NME states to Cameron "Be very afraid plan B is coming to get you" and Plan b says in his interview that Plan B has said that he blames David Cameron for last year’s riots
Read more at when the riots happened it was because the kids of the society of today did not have any activities to do because the government shut all the community centres down. Therefore he has blamed all of the outbreaks on the Government he states in the talkThe only people I cared about was the kids. I thought, ‘Ah, for fuck’s sake, you’ve just made things 10 times harder for yourselves. Society? David Cameron? You’ve just played right into their hands. You’ve just proved everything they’ve been saying’ this shows what the underclass have been saying was correct and has had an impact on the younger reformers who had nothing better to do that has made them do what they have done when riots took place. On the other hand from the viewpoint of the Guardian, they have mentioned another underground film Kidulthood which under the same type of genre but has its own problems. In contrast to this in the guardian's newspaper, they say "I have looked forward to root-canal surgery with greater enthusiasm than I could summon before watching Ill Manors. Few phrases in the English language conjure dread quite like "low-budget gritty social realism", it being almost invariably shorthand for cartoonish rubbish that will make you eat your own fists in embarrassment. If you've ever had the misfortune to see Kidulthood, you will know what I mean".This initially shows that it's just like the other films that are made in east London, making the director (Ben Drew) just like the others. However, the fact of them matter is he is new and did not even have such a high budget for the film which made him think over the decisions made for the shots for example.  

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory) What audience do pleasures the article offer? This was show with the example of having your tooth go through surgery; this shows that they have the equivalent agony as they would watching the film because of what occurs in the film. in contrast to this they have made it entertaining by adding the  David Cameron and what Drew had to say to him which had made the articles more entertaining to buy and read to the public. This recently made it a much more success at the box office because of the controversy between Plan B as a director and the government. 
3) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? this depends on the type of text and genre of the actual magazine such as for men's health it is most likely that they will not be focused on the idea of health and how he is dieting this will have different codes and conventions to a newspaper because of the different audiences they will be more focused on him as a person in society. Therefore this types of codes and conventions depends on the type of article it is being focused on such as for NME they have the codes and conventions to show him as a Rapper meaning they will have codes and conventions of his new album which is also a club of the actual film meaning they will have codes and conventions of him smoking and showing the middle which is how they have shown the article on the website.  
4) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article to the very end? In the NME for example they have made it interesting by using the plan B album to make it more interesting by advertising the album, because the reader of the magazine have an interest in music they will want to carry in reading the article to the very end because using the new album in sync to make more appealing to the audience.    
5) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied so far? The one, in particular, was NME because its focus on the single that is in the film ,which was in the album meaning they are both in synergy with each other firstly, it is because they both link back to the ill manors as a film and a album.  


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