Institution: major media institution research, presentation and feedback/LR

Columbia Pictures Entertainment
Firstly Sony pictures is a member of the Motion picture association of America. It is also the owner of Columbia entertainment . 
The studio, originally founded in 1918 as "Cohn-Brandt-Cohn Film Sales" by brothers Jack and Harry Cohn .
Released its first feature film in August 1922. It adopted the Columbia Pictures name in 1924 and went public two years later.
In 1982, the studio was purchased by Coca-Cola but was then later brought by  Japanese company Sony in 1989.

As James Bond was one the iconic hits for Sony: 
James Bond eventually earned Columbia Pictures more than $4 billion worldwide.
Product placement: in the film spectre has such as these omega Coca-Cola Sony branded products to help market their products
How has Sony become so big:
The owners name was Masaru Ibuka and he began in a bomb damaged Shirokiya retail shop in japan around its had been through damage as they were at war. 
Sony Music:
Company owned by Sony through Sony Entertainment. The company was first founded in 1929 as American Record Corporation and renamed Columbia Recording Corporation in 1938, following its acquisition by the Columbia Broadcasting System. In 1966, the company was reorganized to become CBS Records. Sony Corporation bought the company in 1987 and renamed it Sony Music Entertainment in 1991.

  • Opening a bit stilted mentioned logo and brand identity linked to internship fact about the rice cooker link to the humble begging. James Bond - mentioned product placement.
  • Use of images and slides in the power point. 



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