RBK Advert

This denotation of this advert poster signify how the rapper 50 cent has came through a hard life the holes show his past life when he was victim of a shooting this connotation can be found throughout his music. 50 cent was shot nine times. However in the poster there are a ten holes this may suggest that he has had another life threatening problem. Or it could mean that he had one shot to become what he is today.  The tag line of the rapper I am what i am suggest the subject. The subject in matter is he was never the best people but he is what he is and done what he done which shows he had a hard child hood or a rough one when he was brought up. His posture is him standing with a straight back which give him a confident look. Furthermore the lighting of the picture suggest he was always in the darkness away from civilised people which is merge with the fingerprint showing 50 cent has had run in with the police.In my opinion I find that the Reebok advert is targeted on late teens upward to around 35 ranging from 17-36 who can relate to this rapper it addressing them to show that no one is perfect an everyone has their highs and their lows which point outs his tag line I am what I am.    
Image result for nike just do it advertising campaign
                                                                                Nike:First of the denotation given by this advertising camping is the shoes held by the basketball player are his own shoes the synergy between the two suggest that to be like Michel Jordan (the man holding the trainers) which are also called Jordan's glorify his skills in the court which markets the product so well furthermore the tag line "Welcome to Sunny Portland Some Shoes ?". This is also a rhetorical Question which is a persuasive technique to get the viewers of the this poster hooked on to buying Jordan brand shoes. This tagline also suggest for the summer time these are the best shoes that money can buy however this is a connotation that I have observed myself. As for his posture his body language signify's confident in his shoes as Michel Jordan is a veteran in the basketball industry an also being in the NBA hall of fame he has a high reputation to live up to. This advert is 95% based to be viewed by males as it is a shoes that would impress female recipients which is also another connotation i have noticed the rhetorical question reminds me of a way a male would impress a women by saying the tag line of this poster.                                                                                                                         



  1. Much better Harvey :)
    Well done - the attention to detail on both of your analysis' is good and you have talked confidently about the connotations of the iconography and tag lines. Can you consider the colour scheme, pose and framing of the picture too? Can you add Negotiated, Preferred and Oppositional readings too?

    You have understood clearly why certain design decisions were made to target a specific audience demographic and psychographic.


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