Ill Manors broadcast platform: film trailer analysis

  1. What are the typical codes and conventions of film trailers - what information is usually provided? The main information that is usually provided for the film is usually a small part of the narrative which allows the audience to get a small insight into the actual film which means they will make the audience want watch the film which will make them want to visit the Facebook page which has all the extra information of the character profiles and other key dates what will happen when up to the actual release of the film. Furthermore, the film uses music to bring in more action with the close up shots of the charters such as the Chris his close up was followed with a brisk image of drugs that signify the life of the characters in the film Ill Manors. The story told within the narrative also followed on with close up of ed in the holding cells showing close ups of him and his flashback which suggest his discomfort of his upbringing. The trailers also included montage clips of everything that happens within in the clips of the actual film. 
  2. How are trailers usually distributed? These trailers are mainly distributed by the same studios who produced the film which was BBC films would then have a trailer created before the film release date was decided which then gave time for the editors of the films to fine tune the actual trailer of the film before is put on air the film trailer is usually created before the film is brought to the cinemas. Also the Trailer would mainly consist of the release date and other important information such as credits to actors and the studios that where used in the. Finally the scene that are mainly used are the ones that would leave the most questions for the audience.       
  3. How does the Ill Manors trailer use film trailer conventions; from the trailer you can see that they are in bad place and have came from a bad place which has made them become who they are in the future because of their past. From plan Bs interview he states that the government have put us all ion one place and that has give council estates a negative stereotype. Furthermore from the trailer states some environments are harder to live in than others meaning where these people have to do what they have to do to survive.  
  4. Watch the trailer carefully and discuss how it might attract an audience. Firstly, think about who the target audience for Ill Manors might include. Does it have a unique selling point or use particular techniques to appeal to the audience? Consider the way the scenes are edited together – does the trailer give away any clues about the narrative? Are the main stars visible in the trailer? Is there information about the director of the film? Is there information about the release date? Is a narrator’s voice-over used? Why?From the voice overs of the trailer who allows the audience to get a insight of how these people have been brought up and this is then shown by the flashback of how they was when they was younger such as the Asian character his new born former self was shown with no real mother and this shows that he was never found making him a lost cause to society but he has no choice due to the fact no one gave him the foundation to be able to be put on a better path this has left him to be "insignificant" to the ones who are around him and overall lead him to be apart of other who are in the same class as him significantly, he has now future and it is because if the only support he has is the ones who have no future and are keeping him held down. This will attract the significant others which have had the same problems in the past.         
  5. How has the genre of the film been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music/dialogue, camera shots/movements/angles and editing? As the characters are unknown it makes this seem more realistic, this makes the choice of the directors save money which can be reinvested into other parts of the film. However, talking more on the point of the genre this is influenced form the lighting of being low key and so high key which has made it more of urban and gives it that crime fiction therefore they have a much larger impact on their audience because of the character's and light of the film have a connection together, the unknown intimidating charters plus the low key lighting makes the genre making it more connected to the genre.         

Review Of The Film From my opinion
I found the film interesting because of the fact that i grew up on a council estate but I did not really get into any time of criminal behaviour which shows that everyone has a choice. Therefore i found that the narrative did glamorise the idea of being into criminal behaviour. However for the audience who watch this and come from the "ghetto" can relate and see form the other side how it really looks, they are able to understand the stories of the ones who had no choice because of characters negative upbringing it has made them not live life properly but because they was forced with the exceptions of the society being of the same kind it would be obvious that they would get into negative problems this has made this film a hit. Which is because of the insights and problems that the underclass face which has made it more appealing to other audiences, this film is also very attractive because of its use of locations being created in east London which is criticised because of the criminal behaviour that one faces in these locations this in my opinion has made the film more successful and profitable being film with such a low budget.                


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