MEST1 Section B: Independent case study

The basics

1) What is the name of the film, the director and notable stars? James Bond Spectre the film was directed by Sam Mendes he also directed sky fall who both had Daniel Craig who is the latest James Bond actor this has made it much more aged over the past to the future of the brand as it has changed over the years this has given it much more of a brand image therefore (giving it a much more bigger budget) it has grew being seen at a national level showing British land marks at its finest by doing so. 

2) When was it released? Specter was released at box office on 26th march which was also with the premier also when it was released to the public this allowed the film to be more marketed also the, this allowed the film to be marketed even more and also gives the .  

3) What genre is the film? What are the generic conventions that tell you the film belongs to this genre? from the uses of explosions, hero's and villains chasing shows true aspects of a thriller and action filed film within the British industry and also the true traditional code and convention used in all thrillers and use of this makes it a convention to connote the idea of having  chase scene but what also goes hand in hand with it is having a toe to toe brawl at the end and that is seen through all the James Bond franchise and that has allowed them to market the in more skillful way and make a  in all the different films and not just this one in particular and has overall allowed them to develope their market long term by keeping in trend within the film.  

4) What was the critical reception? What is the film rated on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes?it was gievn a a 6.8/10 by imdb and 64% by rotten tomato and i believe that because the james bond franchise have been around for so long it has made more of a usual piece of text in the media.


1) Write a close-textual analysis of the trailer using the MIGRAIN key concepts of Media Studies. Fisrtly with in the clip, you are firstly greeted with a festival which shows a section of festive season to the audience which trigger the sense of visceral pleasure; which is straight from the start and this allows the charters to be greeted by the film with a much more happy side to it. furthermore the representations of the film  in the media 

The editing different to a usual conventional montage as it goes from straight cuts to fades. The fades help build tension and the straight cuts are used for the action scenes. The straight cut also have fast paced editing. This can also be a visceral pleasure as the visual help give a physical pleasure which is short-lived. The ending of the trailer is very fast pace so that the audience want to watch more and find out what happens next. therefore they are more enticed into wanting to watch the film and are also persuaded into watching the film by seeing so many enigma codes. The official trailer was released in anticipation of the film coming out, which is normal for marketing techniques. However, in a style that has become common to modern theatre, Sony released 'teaser trailers' months before the release in order to get people hyped and excited long before the films premiere. It is also an effective way of keeping people interested; in a franchise that's been going on as long as Bond has been around (which is a very long time as mentioned), it is necessary to keep audiences interested and prevented people 'forgetting' and losing motivation to stay loyal.  

2) Find examples of television promotion on YouTube (adverts, chat shows, ‘red carpet’ interviews etc.) and post them to your blog along with an explanation of how these promote the film. In order for the James bond franchise to market the brand identity in order to be more lucrative when at the box office therefore they have to ensure that they are making guest appearance of numerous places in order to promote the film therefore as examples such as these underneath have been done in order to promote the brand identity of the film and also the franchise and it is vital that Spectre used promotional poster and advertisement in order to bring this brand awareness.
Image result for james bond spectre cast interview 
Promotional posters were released showing different aspects of the film, there were new posters and photos that linked to the plot and narrtive of the film this then gave a more of a understanding of the story, but these were juxtaposed with traditional, old style 007 poses and styles allow the franchise to keep the same manor as the older films these poses have been kept within the mix because James Bond has to maintain the main convention of the film in order to keep the audience entwine with new releases.
The posters maintained the iconic look of James Bond films- this allowed them to be undisputed Bond, so minimal information was required on the poster because of this and it has allowed all audiences to know a film is apart of the James Bond family because of the typical codes and conventions of a film, as everyone already recognises it as James Bond.
3) Does the broadcast promotion use stars create interest in the film?


1) Read at least THREE reviews of the film and provide a quote from each one.

2) Find examples of print promotion (e.g. film poster, billboard adverts etc.) on Google images and post them to your blog along with an explanation of how these promote the film.

3) Choose ONE print advert and write a textual analysis of what it communicates to the audience.

The film producers let selected interviewers and interested parties onto the set for 'sneak peeks' further keeping the story line itself mysterious and making it seem like any information was 'exclusive' when being a part of the interviewer  which made seem like a big deal. This was an effective marketing technique because it kept things secret, so the risk of spoilers was reduced and also allowing the film to not leak any secrets to the audience, meaning people had practically no idea what they were going to watch all the audience knew that they're going to watch a Bond film and that they were going to be surprised.

4) How is the film’s brand constructed? What does the brand connote? Does it remind you of any other brands or similar films? over all the years of James Bond which has crated a brand its self but also with all James Bond film can a constructed ending which allowed them build that anticipation which the audience are waiting for therefore they has given James bond its own trend when broad casting interviews on the web they are enabling there audiences to get a small insight into the film.   


1) Research the film’s presence on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. How does the film’s social media presence help promote the film? Large conventional film releases, posters, trailers and teasers were released online ready for the release of the film which can where all uploaded to social media and overall meant that the films presence in the media which will just allow the audience to be see and remembering that James Bond is still around.  
Image result for james bond spectre e-media 2) Analyse the official website for the film. How does it use the film’s brand? What examples of synergy can you find with the other platforms? 

3) Did the film run any kind of e-media based campaign to generate interest in the film? 

one of the main channels of spectre promotion was through allowing adverts to be made by omega fro example who did a grand release of their new watch which is featured in the film this allowed brand awareness for both the product placement of the film but also the the film it self allowing more audience appeal because James Bond franchise with such a well known high quality watch brand. 
4) Can you find any examples of the two-step flow theory online – did celebrities or journalists tweet or post about the film in order to promote it to their followers? in order for all target audience of the film to see this film they have to ensure that all followers are promoting the brand and in order for this to be seen by the public they have ensure that it is being publicised in the correct manor which means that the post of celebrities will allow this to be put into action.   


1) Who is the target audience for this film? Demographics and psychographics.

  • The film is mainly targeted at middle class 15-35 year old males.  
  • The age of the films target audience is around 15-35 based on the certification of 15 and the fact that a vast majority of people will have seen the older Bond movies when they were younger and will want to see the latest one.
  • The sex of the main target audience is male as the main character and stereotypically the main audience for bond films are male.
  • The education level of the audience would be around regular education as the film is in mostly well known locations and the plot is very easy to follow.
  • The film is mainly targeted at people who are interested in spy and action films.
  • The film explores family issues with the whole plot focused mainly around Bonds family backstory.
  • The film appeals to a wide variety of people as the Bond films are very well known and there's almost always something for everyone.

2) How does the cross-media promotional campaign target this audience?Bond would actually appear in ads for Heineken, the centerpiece of which is an extended ad that features the super-spy unwittingly involving an innocent bystander in his escapades before she actually saves him, all while deftly balancing a tray of beer.
3) What audience pleasures does the film provide? Think about the BFI lecture on audience pleasures in British film.

4) What similar films would the target audience enjoy? Justify your suggestions.some films that are similar are films like Kingsmen which is also a British film an that is i have suggested this as it is also a film that uses the same and similar types of conventions but with its own  whole story line


1) Which film studio produced the film? What other films have they produced? Do they have a track record with this kind of film and this target audience? some of the producers who made this film are Eon production, Columbia picture and finally 

2) Which company distributed the film in the UK? What other films have they distributed? 

3) Do they have a track record with this kind of film and this target audience?

4) What was the budget for the film?

5) How successful was the film financially? Why do you think this was?

6) Was this film more successful in the UK or worldwide/USA? Why do you think this is?

7) What certificate was the film given (12A, 18 etc.)? What was the reason for this certificate? Is the certification important for this film in terms of targeting its audience? Why?


1) What representations of people, places or groups can be found in this film?

2) What representation of ‘Britishness’ does the film contain?

3) How does the representation of Britain differ to Ill Manors? 

4) What values and ideologies can you find in your chosen film? (E.g. The King’s Speech is extremely patriotic, pro-monarchy etc.) 

Case study comparison

1) What similarities and differences can you find between Ill Manors, A Field In England and your chosen case study film? List all that apply.


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