
1) What different forms of Media did you consume over the summer break? Give specific examples.
I firstly used a lot of snap-chat over the the summer holidays and used youtube also in the summer break i went rarely went onto my Instagram account but did go on instagram to upload a image once or twice.

2) Define Print Media, Broadcast Media and e-Media. When do teenagers come into contact with print media, broadcast media and e-media on a daily basis? Which do they use most and why do you think this is? Print media can relate to magazines a teenager can come across print media by reading the newspaper or buying the latest copy of GQ to read to collage on the tube. Broadcast media is a source of live stream a young teenager can cross paths between broadcast media on a daily basis and not even know he was broadcasting media this can be seen on youtube when a popular youtuber is live streaming on twitch or even through youtube E-media can be accessed whilst waiting for a bus on the bustop they put up car coeds which help access bus checker which is a source of e-media this type of source helps media provide through technology.     

3) What audience gratification do teenagers receive from using Apps such as Snapchat and Instagram? Why do you think they are so popular with their target audience? What gratifications do they offer? It helps teenagers express their own way of what they feel about media by producing their own content and also be consumers at the same time by looking at other people snaps or being producers at the same time an uploading content for others to consume.   

4) Regarding the music industry, how has Media production and consumption changed over the last decade? (Think about the movement away from hard copies to streaming.) In your opinion, is this a positive shift? Justify your answer. In my opinion i find that it is just a way to market ones product such as kanye west he just released an album I Feel like Pablo which was then followed on his release on his clothing line Yezzy. Furthermore, it has changed dramatically in the music industry and this is from the large amount of ways people can get new albums for free from music shared websites. Enigma code within the music videos to help advertise there own brands of clothing       

5) Julia Kristeva argues that no text is an isolated entity: ‘Any text is the absorption and transformation of another. This saying tampered with my mind a bit because it makes me think that if you see a text you absorbs its good analogy and transform into your own and unique to make a one of a kind masterpiece owned by yourself.     


  1. I like your reaction to question 5 - that is what being a media student is all about! It's decoding the messages that the producer of the media has coded for us to engage with, and each member of the audience will bring a negotiated reading to it (as Stuart Hall said).

    EBI- The literacy level of this is not really A Level standard - make an effort to write more analytically (your English study will help you with this so listen to what you learn there too!)
    Question 4 wants you to think about how the music industry have changed and you have written one sentence and NOT gone into any detail about what this means for the industry - think about how we used to access new music (pay £14.99 for an album on CD) and now file sharing and downloading has meant that artists have to think entirely differently... Also, when considering audience gratification, can you remember Blulmer and Katz and what they argued were the groups of what pleasures audiences get?


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