MEST1 Section B: Institution research

Ill Manors: Funding and production budget
  1. What was the estimated budget for Ill Manors? £100,000 as a estimate was around this for a budget as its funded by microwave film and film London in addition this film is also written by a raper "Ben Drew" who is new to the industry and has no real experience therefore no one was willing to fund for his film because from the producers point of view they may be running the risk of losing money. 
  2. Where did the money come from? List the different organisations and companies that contributed funding to Ill Manors. Microwave London who fund films that are underground but do have potential. secondly, gunslinger is also a company that helped distribute and produce the film. Finally, Revolver entertainment was also part of where the money cam from in order to produce the film.
  3. How did the Ill Manors budget compare to a Hollywood blockbuster such as Sky fall? Sky fall is apart of a wide range of bond films which means they are already well established and will have a audience on hold waiting to watch Sky Fall when it is released therefore they will have much more bigger budget in place to pay for all the different screens and also paying for the more actively known charter that already well established and known by audiences. finally because they have a much more better potential they will have distributors and funding distributors contacting them as they know that will make a profit at box office. 


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