Factsheet #132 on British Film

1) Use our brilliant Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets)to find Media Factsheet #132 on British Film

2) Read the whole of Factsheet #132 British Film

3) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British.A film does not necessarily need to be filmed within Britain to make it a British film therefore it may include a criteria that is different and making it a British film; however it must include british actors which will allow the film to be seen as a British film.     

4) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film? In order for a film to be categorised as a Hollywood film would be with the use of high a class actors who are very well known and also have a very big budget due to the fact many producers wish to invest into the film as they know that they will be able to get a profit from doing so. In contrast for independent British film it is more likely to have much more low budget and also not that many a listed characters or celebrities  as they are on a very low budget therefore they are very story line driven and word of mouth reliant as they will be able to cost effecting this way and also spend more on trying to advertise the film as they will more likely to get a outcome from the target audience.      

5) When did the James Bond franchise start? It was brought in around the 1960s and also was accompanied with the involvement of grater america and the use good talent which has made it a British success.  

6) In terms of film censorship and graphic content, what began to change in British film in the 1970s and 1980s? In the 1970's there was massive decrease in censorship and this meant that many investors within the 1980's which meant that they saw decrease in British films and this was then followed up till 1990's which was then saw a increase again.  

7) What groups are often represented in British film? Give examples of films these groups feature in. For a British Film to appeal to a specific audience it must have a direct appeal to the population by using British locations that allow the film to appeal much more to the audience which is because the target audience will be able to feel more superior as they know more about the area of where it may have been filmed than others. To make it much more appealing to the audience they use typical conventions that allow the film to be been apart of British Film which allows them to feel a visceral pleasure.   

8) What does the Factsheet suggest might be the audience appeal of British film? I believe that British films appeals to vast English based audience that have high interest in the British history and land marks. This means audience who have a interest does not need to be born and breed and live England i believe that ti can also appeal to a outside audience which gives a insight and escapism to Britain. This then gives them idea of escapism and be diverted into what happens in and around the streets of Britain. it can be seen as a genre and has that aspect of social realism this is achieved by giving the audience the audience the correct characters which gives it that audience that idea of it being it real this is however achieved by making it close to real life this element within British films has made it much more appealing to the British audience and also other contrasting producers in such in America Hollywood films which gives British films its own brand image which has been created with the use of narrative and characters. This means the audience appeal for British Films is the idea being that the audience is much more diverse and and have much more wider set of tastes which will direct them away from a mainstream film that is made on a much more high budget and is not British as they are produced on a Hollywood set which is unlike a British film that would be filmed with a more different approach which gives the target audience for British films more successful brand image that is different to a normal film that can be found at box office.                


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