Narritive Task

Pineapple Express:

Narrative Patterns:
firstly the liner pattern from this opening scene is begging this is initially from the first segment being in black white which means its in the past therefore it is in black an white this main location said by the helper who is being who the test-dummie inside the glass both he is the helper because he was the founder of "item 9" which is weed in key terms then from the end of the clip we get the hero talking o the radio about making marijuana legal. Therefore the help helped make weed illegal in the past which has had impact in the future.

Action/Engima code:
Immediately greeted with a cough sound which was a enigma code someone in trouble or what or what ever is happening why is there cough in the background but then the action code was made to make the audience laugh  because its humors how they treat something which shows how things have evolved over years and technology. Another enigma code is when the helper conveys with the holder of the gun is the action code when he gets shot the enigma code is when he is Escorted with the two 2"security" because we have not got much information from the character we don't find him being a hero thereofre we dont fell anything when he is shot but in my opinion find it funny disturbing at the same time because its not right to shot one for being enhanced n drugs which could be debatable.

Todorov: equilibrium
The beginning of this clip its a normal state of harmony we don't really see much of a massive problem being occurred but as soon as we are greeted by the helper in the cubical we as the audience are thinking is something is wrong within the the world of the film therefore this is a disequilibrium because the helper coughs and is a menace to society he disturbs this peace by becoming high in all honesty he was the first person who smoked some weed and was the reasons why he managed to make it illegal this is because he has shown what happens when you are enhanced on the drug. however this was resolved when he was shot making that the new equilibrium as the disequilibrium is resolved by shooting the helper to stop it from leaking out or becoming apart of the mainstream socitey and was then made illegal. Then we are greeted by the hero who is in the car who is on the phone talking about why weed is illegal and determined that it will become legal in 5 year times this is linked to the main introduction scene.         

A fist full of dollars:
The main narrative of the this film is a western and a shoot out/stand off the main narrative of this clip is from the start a cowboy going through town on his "mule" this being his horse it is clear he is a drifter who is not planning to stay in the area.
Firstly , the main enigma code was when he place the order and told the carpenter about making 3 coffins which gave and the indication that someone is going to die but we did not get told who was going to die or ever greeted the villains the audience get a enigma code when he becomes more aggressive towards the 4 men when he wanted them to apologies to finally one more of the enigma code that i saw was when the villain took off the holder of the gun. Then the main Action code was when he shot all 4 men who shot his horse.
Therefore for todorovs theory it shows that the disruption of equilibrium was when the  drifter asked for 3 coffins the equilibrium was before the hero came through the town or before he was confronted the villains which created the disequilibrium but then it was resolved after he shot all 4 and told the carpenter 4 coffins and everything was back to normal new equilibrium and he avenged his horse also.


Sky Fall:
In this clip the most i received from the narrative is mainly what was around the charters in the shot as it is a abounded old city.
Firstly, the enigma code that was see was when the women with the dripping blood was shown tied to a bolder her being the helper to solve a problem got her into that situation. However, this enigma code was then followed by the gun being pointed on the head of James bond  this helpt bulid the tension to the action code that comes after he was given the gun to shoot at the shot glass the first action code was after he pulled the trigger but it was then followed by the villain shooting her to death. this being the disequilibrium for todorovs theory when the villain shots the women was another enigma code for him being on free the next action code was after bond said "waest off good scotch". he then shot all the henchmen and called for help and then caught the villain is the new equilibrium and being taken back into confinement.    


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