Media Magazine: the appeal of arthouse cinema

1) Read Beyond Hollywood: Reading Arthouse Cinema. This is in MM45 on page 24 - go to our Media Magazine archive to find the article. Sum up the article in one sentence. the article in use is for art-house films which mainly appeal to the more niche audience.

2) What are some of the suggested audience pleasures for arthouse film? The main types of audience gratification given by arthouse films include the idea to be able to crate a film which as spontaneous as declared by A filed in England which is appealing to a more older audience who have a understanding of the time and era of the film which has been done through education making them more dominate than mainstream audience who may not have as much understanding of the genre as they are not in the same age range of when it was studied. And also finally they are able to get a idea of escapism. 

3) Why do some audiences struggle with arthouse film? Refer to some media theory here (there are some important media theories discussed in the article itself). One of the main reason of not understanding and struggling to understand the text used through art is because of the lack of narrative closer. which makes it difficult for some who do not get the meaning of the ending meaning they are going to be left with doubts and no real explanation of the plot. Finally, the fact they use other text within their which means it is more connected to a other text meaning it has its own references embedded within the actual film. Therefore overall the audiences must have some sort of actual understanding which could mean having good qualification. 

4) To what extent is arthouse film only for the middle classes and older audiences? Why might this be the case? Not necessarily depending on the type of narrative and genre it can also be related to a audience under middle class such as working class film can also be categorised within this genre as well if watching a film such as ill manors it can reflect on a population of audience who also may be interted in art house.    

5) What type of audience would A Field In England appeal to?
-More around the lines of and educated audience who have been to school and studied history which can make this film not as typically conventional as it is not appealing to a mass market. 
-Finally it will also only mainly appeal to more older audience who will find this film worth watching; because this film is art house it means it will not appeal to everyone. 


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