Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

1) Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
-firstly this was a campaign was made to project the album that was a cross media that came out with the film Ill manors; in addition this campaign was designed for the audience enabling them to interact with the target audience therefore they created a hash tag (#illmanors) this was a given opportunity to the public to reflect their own views on the government  voice their opinions on the current climate in the UK these tweets where projected with a projector around monumental builds within London.     

2) How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote Plan B, the soundtrack and the film? As this was a cross media release an which went hand in hand when marketing the film and soundtrack at the same time. The target audience for this release is "savvy" an audiences that would be most targeted online (through social Media) which will then mean Tag London's promotion was going to promote both the film and the sound track simultaneously it used  traditional conventions in order to make this work well. The hashtags used in the graffiti where comments that reflected the album  Tag London channelled digital media into the real world whilst keeping in context with the film therefore the building that the tweets where projected on where within the government.       

3) What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study? The branding goes in synergy with the branding of poster and other billboard that are used prior the release of the film therefore they have have synergy with both because the cross media between all come together and the two audience between the album and will be able look into each other this links back to the overall concept of the tag London as it promote the film and the CD. 

4) Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns? Offer three different reasons UGC-driven campaigns are popular with media institutions.

-firstly, it allows the niche audience to be apart of the film and produce content that may allow their voice to be heard this will then mean they will want to wach the film and tell others that i was apart of this film via social media. 
-secondly, this is not a typical convention meaning its new and unique which will mean the outcome off the marketing will be much more vast as it new and improved UGC campaign. 
-thirdly, its will make the audience want to promote the idea of being able to rebel against the environment. 

5) Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material
-#ILLMANORS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF CAMERON'S BROKEN BRITAIN: This quote shows what Britain is becoming as the of David Cameron being prime minster therefore the film helps allow the reflection of has become because of the government; in addition to this it is evident form he newspaper that Drew was in when he stated the riots only happened due to the fact of closing down all the youth centres that youths would go to and be off the street but because the government took this away they had nowhere else to go.    
-WHY ARE THE RICH GETTING RICHER AND THE POOR GETTING POORER. PFFT TO THE GOVERNMENT.THE OLYMPICS.WILL DESTROY LONDON #ILLMANORS: from this tweet it shows the idea that the government want the poor to stay poor and allow the rich to get richer therefore when the youth centre where closed it meant that the younger teenager who had no where else to go which caused the riots and that lead them to getting bad criminal recorded overall this will then mean when they get older they will be much more bad position and stay poor as no one will hire them and will then overall be left on the streets doing criminal behaviour leading them into more problems. 
-SOUNDS LIKE THE TRUTH #ILLMANORS: the use of this tweet of the follower the person shows that they found that it is true from the codes and conventions of the actual film what he/she was able to take away from the film is the fact that it reflects the stereotypes of real life people who live this live a day to day basis.  


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